Outcome Elite helps Student-Athletes maximize their potential in sports and life by overcoming fear, anxiety, and self-doubt in 90 days.
What I have found is that student-athletes are suffering from fear and self-doubt that parents, coaches, and teachers are not aware of.
Now, imagine what student-athletes could achieve with a newly structured mindset that helps to alleviate those pressures and empowers them to break through barriers and shatter limiting beliefs.
I am a former Division I athlete and Marine Corps Officer. I created Outcome Elite because I realized my purpose was to help people start their journey of self-awareness and confidence sooner than I did. I want to help student-athletes raise their level of consciousness so they can create a definitive plan. My goal is to help them live a life of authenticity, connecting emotion with purpose to achieve a desired and sustainable outcome.
I help student-athletes and their parents by offering a coaching program that teaches them to develop their own sense of self-awareness and confidence. Student-athletes learn to stand on their own two feet, both on and off the field. Parents benefit by not having to worry about stressing or damaging their current relationship with their children.
What areas might your student-athlete benefit from with increased awareness and accountability?
Overcoming Assumptions
Creating a Plan
False Interpretations
Realizing Potential
Conquering Fears and Doubts
Lack of Motivation & Conflict Resolution
Confidence: Academic, Athletic, and Social
Time Management
3 stages of the Outcome Elite VELOCITY Coaching Program
Energy Blocks
Limiting Beliefs
Leaky Black – University of North Carolina Tarheels Basketball Team
I started Outcome Elite because I am the ideal client.
I have a story to share with parents, coaches, teachers, and student-athletes.
As a young athlete I struggled with worry, self-doubt, and a lack of true self-confidence. These feelings were not only a part of my athletic career - they were a part of my life.
These thoughts and emotions have not only remained with me since I was a young person, - but they have intensified.
As an adult I have been diagnosed with depression, severe anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. I have experienced physical symptoms and paralyzing anxiety attacks.
On the outside you may see happiness and success. What you can’t see is the constant state of fear and overwhelm that have impacted my behavior and decision-making.
In between each successful accomplishment or achievement is a myriad of devastating failures that never allowed me to find peace and happiness.
External validation has been my lifetime drug of choice. In order for me to be content I required frequent reassurance, compliments, and recognition for a job well done from others.
This created a vicious cycle of temporary peace and satisfaction. Everything was good for a while, then it was time to be validated again by someone other than myself. I longed for the next high that would fill my cup.
When you rely on others for your happiness, it is impossible to learn to love, to serve, and to forgive.
I am on a mission to stop the suffering that often accompanies mental and emotional challenges.
It has taken me this far into my life to understand who I am - accept it - and forgive myself.
It is incumbent upon us as leaders, parents, coaches, and friends to let teenagers know it is OK to talk about mental health issues.
I don't want others to have to wait as long as I did.
Joy, love, forgiveness, and fulfillment do not have to wait!
Let’s start the journey now.
Parents and Student-Athletes
Schedule your complimentary discovery call here